centralization of authority

美 [ˌsentrələˈzeɪʃn əv əˈθɔːrəti]英 [ˌsentrəlaɪˈzeɪʃn ɒv ɔːˈθɒrəti]
  • 中央集权
centralization of authoritycentralization of authority
  1. Absolutism centralization of authority was greatly strengthened .


  2. The author pointed out strengthening the centralization of authority was the basic purpose . There were other important reasons such as the development of commercial economy , the financial difficulties and the expansion of local power .


  3. Therefore , we must get rid of the centralization of authority , strengthen the dialogue between the teachers and students ;


  4. HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom


  5. One of the unintended consequences of the Gregorian Reform of the11th century was the centralization of authority in the papacy .


  6. The essential change in politics is the further diminishing of the centralization of authority , which discredited the imperial government 's prestige and weakened its control .


  7. The reform of circuit ( a province size area ) system during the Tang dynasty was a comprehensive reform of local administration oriented towards centralization of authority in the court and state administration at different levels .


  8. Advanced agricultural production , perfect centralization of authority , extensive and profound and flexible and sophisticated spirit and culture which takes Confucian culture as a typical example , all these constitute China super-stable social structural model and highly unified social cultural Mechanism .


  9. As an official form of examination in Ming and Qing Dynasty , the Eight-part Essay had a very important effect on the governing classes ' drawing over the talents , consolidating domination and strengthening centralization of authority during several hundreds years .


  10. Tending away from centralization , as of authority .


  11. We should not deny the importance of authority and should centralize power wherever necessary . tending away from centralization , as of authority .
